Accredited/ Approved Chiropractic Programs

CCEB > Accredited/ Approved Chiropractic Programs

Chiropractic programs are accredited by regional bodies. A full listing of accredited chiropractic programs can be found on the websites below.

A candidate must be currently attending or have graduated from a chiropractic program that meets at least one of the following criteria:

Is accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education Canada.

Is accredited by an educational accrediting body that is a member in good standing of the Councils on Chiropractic Education International.

Is accredited by the Council on Chiropractic Education.

Is approved in writing by a Canadian chiropractic regulatory body.

In Canada, licensure/registration requirements are the responsibility of the provincial and territorial regulatory councils and vary across jurisdictions.  Completion of the CCEB exams does not guarantee licensure/registration in any province or territory.

Candidates are encouraged to confirm specific requirements in the jurisdiction they intend to practice.

You can find a list of regulatory bodies here: